Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Job Hunting

My sister has a bet going of who will get a job first, me, or my brother. First to get one gets $50. It adds a fun little incentive, and we only have two months to get the job. Unfortunately, jobs seem to be extremely scarce, if they aren't of the retail variety. I do NOT want to work in retail. Dealing with people constantly gives me a rash. Seriously. Way to internalize, me.

So, I'm trying to find a cool artsy job. It's a total pain when your experience in jobs is something like, "Two-day stint at Safeway before you had a panic attack and had to quit." I'm wondering if I ought to just suck it up and be a night shift stock person, or make a portfolio of one of my more obscure talents, sculpting Starburst candies into small fruits. I bet if I got a whole lot of them, I could make a miniature buffet table of food made ENTIRELY of Starbursts. And maybe some Airheads.

You never know, right?

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