Thursday, November 1, 2007

Old things and new

Today I have been archiving a personal stash of fanfiction I've loved over the years. Fanfics and me go way back, to around 1998 or 1999. I wanted to reread a few old favorites, only to discover, much to my dismay, that the biggest source for Sailor Moon fics, "A Sailor Moon Romance", has been shut down. For good. Along with every story it contained. I can't even access them through the "Way Back" machine. (Although I did find the name of a story I was looking for.)

So, I dug about the internet, attempting to make my own small collection of fiction, just in case the same thing happened and I couldn't find them again. Reading fanfics has been such a fun thing for me for so many years. I wonder if people from the old days ever reminisce about stories, and re-read old favorites, and remark like one would over a vintage of wine, "Ah yes, 2005, a very good year for fanfiction."

While they're still here, you may access my personal fanfics, and several of my favorites here.

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